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May, 2002
Take a look at the old girl and see what I'm now dealing with.

she doesn't look that bad, right? Take a closer look, my friend, and I think you'll see sights more appaling than your grandmother taking a shower. Plus, where are my gold snowflake wheels? What type of sick person would replace those lovelies with these cheap steelies?

Passenger side quarterpanel
One of the worse of the new dents. And hey, where's the friggin' trim?
Door handle
I now have to open the door from the inside or if the tops are off and the windows are rolled down then I can pull a Bo and Luke Duke...ok, maybe not.
Fuel Filler Door
Where did the plastic cover go?
The Nose and Fender
The first shot of something very horrendous. Oh, the humanity!
The Grill
Nothing's cooking here.
What have they done to my baby?
Does the carnage ever end? Sadly, no. We still haven't looked inside.
Formula Wheel
This was in good shape when I sold her. I think that muskrats may have gnawed on the horn button.
The Dash
This puppy's showing more crack than me when I don't wear a belt while doing yard work.
What happened here?
Maybe he started hauling lumber in the back seat. What ele could have done this?
The Biggest Horror...
The old 301 wore out and the kid replaced it with another 301. That kid really was sick, wasn't he?